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发表于 2011-9-10 09:25:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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老公出手:新华社女记者与加国副外长调情邮件曝光(图) 加 拿 大 家 园 网
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保守党国会议员议员Bob Dechert和中国新华社驻多伦多首席记者施蓉 加 拿 大 家园网

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姜昆与新华社多伦多分社负责人施蓉合影 (2010年7月) 家 园 新 闻
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保守党国会议员议员Bob Decher承认发给新华社驻多伦多记者施蓉的调情电子邮属实 canadameet.me
据CBC昨晚(9月9日)报道(点击此次查看英文报道),中国新华社驻多伦多记者施蓉的电子邮件信箱疑似被人骇客,导致加拿大安省保守党国会议员议员Bob Dechert(担任外交部长的国会秘书,相当于副外长)写给施蓉的调情电子邮件内容被外洩。 加 拿 大 家 园 网
Bob Dechert昨晚发表书面声明承认这些邮件确实为其所发送,并对可能受到伤害的任何人道歉。 园友录,u.i163.ca

Bob Dechert的书面声明

许多媒体、学术圈和政治圈等人周四晚上都收到了大量电子邮件,邮件内容是加拿大保守党国会议员Bob Dechert写给施蓉的,信中内容包括:你很漂亮,我很想念你…等等,还有一些邮件内容谈到关于工作採访的问题。 家园论坛,forum.canadameet.me
Bob Dechert本人此前没有立即回应此事,至于施蓉本人则在第一时间表示,有人骇客了我的邮件信箱,她并指责是自己的丈夫骇客了她的邮箱。但她不愿证实电子邮件的内容是否真实。 加国中文搜索,www.canadameet.me

之前加拿大安全情报局曾指出有中国间谍在加拿大活动,之前加拿大联邦政府将一个华裔幕僚炒鱿鱼,因为发现她曾任职于新华社,在加拿大联邦政府工作期间却依然和新华社有联系。 I A S K
Bob Dechert写给施蓉的一些邮件内容
u.i a s k.c a

"You are so beautiful. I really like the picture of you by the water with your cheeks puffed. That look is so cute, I love it when you do that. Now, I miss you even more."


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 09:26:27 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 09:29:28 | 显示全部楼层
Tory MP apologizes for flirty emails to Chinese journalist

By Laura Payton, CBC News Posted: Sep 9, 2011 6:40 PM ET Last Updated: Sep 9, 2011 11:35 PM ET Toronto-area MP Bob Dechert is pictured with Shi Rong, right, in an undated photo. Dechert, the parliamentary secretary to the minister of Foreign Affairs, acknowledges he sent flirtatious emails to Shi, a Toronto-based journalist with China's state-run news agency.

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Dechert's flirty emails2:47
Dechert's flirty emails2:47
Dechert admits sending emails6:27
Dechert admits sending emails6:27

Beginning of Story ContentBob Dechert, parliamentary secretary for Foreign Affairs, has confirmed he sent flirtatious emails to the chief Toronto correspondent for Xinhua, the official Chinese government news agency that is directly responsible to the governing Communist party.
In a statement released Friday night, Dechert said he met Shi Rong while doing interviews for Chinese-language media and she became a friend. He said the emails were nothing more than a flirtation: "These emails are flirtatious, but the friendship remained innocent and simply that – a friendship. I apologize for any harm caused to anyone by this situation.”
A spokesman for Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Dechert "denied any inappropriate behaviour. We have no information to suggest otherwise."
In his statement, Dechert said Shi's emails "were hacked as part of an ongoing domestic dispute."
Shi elaborated for the Globe and Mail, telling the paper it was her husband who hacked into her account.
The emails were released Thursday night to a large number of people, including journalists, business people and political contacts. Dechert's personal email address was on the list of recipients.
In an email sent about midnight on April 17, 2010, Dechert thanked Shi for sending a photo of herself from seven years earlier.
"You are so beautiful. I really like the picture of you by the water with your cheeks puffed. That look is so cute, I love it when you do that. Now, I miss you even more."
In another 2010 email, Dechert tells Shi to watch CPAC because he will smile for her as he stands to vote in the House of Commons that night. She replies that she will watch for him.
An email from Shi's account to her contacts early Friday morning apologized for the hack.
"Some one has used this mail box sent [sic] information that is absolutely untrue. Please ignore any mail that send [sic] from this email box in the future," the email reads.
Conservative MP Bob Dechert, who acknowledges he sent flirtatious emails to a journalist with the official Chinese government news agency, shakes hands with Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Dechert, a Toronto-area MP, was elected to represent Mississauga-Erindale in 2008 and was named to his role with Foreign Affairs in May 2011. He also serves on the Foreign Affairs Commons committee. In April 2010, at the time the emails were sent, Dechert had just been made parliamentary secretary to the minister of justice.
Last June, CSIS director Richard Fadden told CBC's Peter Mansbridge that there were provincial and municipal political figures who have "developed quite an attachment to foreign countries."
Dechert, a lawyer and former president of the Empire Club of Canada, is married to Ruth Clark, according to his personal website.
Dechert also serves on the Canada China Legislative Association, a parliamentary forum established in 1998 that "promotes the exchange of information between Canadian parliamentarians and representatives of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China in order to encourage better understanding and closer ties between the two countries."

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 09:44:16 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 09:51:54 | 显示全部楼层
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