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Interjections-words that have no grammatical meaning, but just signify emotions

发表于 2014-1-3 22:52:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
WordAlternate/ SimilarTranslationExampleMeaning
aah!aaah, aaaahh"Help!""Aaaah! It's eating my leg!"Fright, shock. Sometimes it means "ahh" instead.
ahaa-ha"I understand""Aha! So you took the money!"Understanding, triumph (can also be used as "ahh")
ahem"Attention, please!""Ahem! Swearing is against office policy."The sound of clearing one's throat. Used to get someone's attention, especially if they don't know (or apparently forgot) that you're there.
ahhahhh"Ok, I see""Ahh, yes, I understand now"Realisation, understanding. Sometimes it means "aaah" or "eh" instead.
arghaugh"Damn!""Argh, the car won't work!"Annoyance, anger, frustration
awwaw, awww"How sweet!""Aww, what an adorable puppy"Shows sentimental approval (also see next entry)
awwaw, ohh, ahh"That's too bad""Aww, it hit him right in the nuts!"Feeling sorry or pity for someone
awoh"Come on!""Aw, don't be like that!"Mild protest
bah"Whatever""Bah, I never liked him anyways."Dismissive, annoyed
boobooh"That's bad""Boo, get off the stage!"Disapproval, contempt (also something to yell to surprise people)
brrbrrrr"It's cold""Brrr, it's -20C outside"Being cold, shivering
duh"That's dumb""Duh, you didn't plug it in."Expresses annoyance over something stupid or obvious
eekeeeek"Help!""Eeek, a mouse!"Girly scream. Surprised, scared.
eep"Oh no!""Eep! I didn't mean to say that!"Surprise (female)
eh?huh?"What?""Eh? I didn't hear what you said."Misunderstanding. Also see "eh?" below
eh?huh?, eyh?"Is that right?""So she dumped you, eh?"Stereotypically overused by Canadians
ewwugh, ewww"Disgusting""Ewww, this apple is rotten"Disgust, dislike
gah"This is hopeless""Gah, I give up"Exasperation and despair
gee"Really?""Gee, that's super!"Surprise, enthusiasm, or just general emphasis.
grrgrrrr"I'm angry""Grrr, I'll kick his ass"Anger, snarling, growling. Often used for dogs and other animals.
hmmhm, hmmmm"I wonder""Hmm, I'm not sure about that"Thinking, hesitation.
humphharumph"I don't like this""There are kids on my lawn again, humph!"A snort, to express dislike, disbelief or annoyance.
huh"Really?""Huh, you were right"Mild, indifferent surprise
hurrahhooray, huzzah"Let's celebrate!""Hurrah, we won!"Generic exclaimation of joy
ichyuck, yak"Disgusting""Blerch, this apple is rotten"Disgust, dislike
meheh"I don't know""Meh, whatever you think is best"Indifference
mhmmmhm, uh-hu"Yes""Do you think so too?" "Mhm"Agreement, acknowledgement.
mmmmm, mmh"Lovely""Mmm, this ice cream is delicious"Pleasure. Sometimes it means "hmm" instead.
muahahamwahaha, bwahaha"I'm so evil!""I switched the sugar and the salt! Muahaha!"Evil villain's triumphant laugh
nah"No""Want another beer?" "Nah, I'm good"Informal no
nuh-uhnuh-hu, nuhuh"No, it isn't!"/"Did not!""I hit you!" "Nuh-uh!" "Yuh-uh!" "Nuh-uh!"Childish negation or refusal
oh"I see""Oh, you wanted sugar, not milk."Realisation
ooh-la-laoh-lala"Fancy!""A seven layer wedding cake? Ooh-la-la!"An often ironic (or just funny) way indicating that something is fancy or high class
oohoooh"Wonderful!""Oooh, it's shiny!"Wonder, amazement (ohhh can also mean ahhh)
oomphumph"I'm exerting myself""Push on 3.. 1, 2, 3.. oomph!"A grunt made on sudden exertion. Also used as a noun to mean "power" or "energy" ("This song needs more oomph!")
oops"I didn't mean to do that""Oops, I knocked your cup over"Being surprised at or acknowledging your own mistakes
owoww, ouch"That hurts""Oww, I hit my thumb"Pain
oyoi, oyh"Hey, you!""Oy! You forgot your wallet!"Mainly British: Used to get someone's attention, similar to "hey!". Also used disapprovingly ("Oy, you spilled your drink all over me!").
oyoy vay"Oh no...""The bills are biling up. Oy..."Mainly Jewish: Used to express self-pity, similar to "woe is me!"
pewpee-yew"It stinks!""Pew, that smells so gross!"Used for foul odors
pffpffh, pssh, pfft"That's nothing""Pff, I once caught a fish twice that size"Unimpressed
phew"That was close!""I didn't do my homework, but the teacher didn't check. Phew!"Expressing relief
psstWhispering "Hey, you!""Psst. Let's skip the next class!"Used to quietly get someone's attention, often to tell them a secret.
sheeshjeez"I can't believe this!""Sheesh, now he's drunk again"Exasperation, annoyance (corruption of "Jesus")
shhhush, shush"Be quiet""Shh, I'm trying to hear what they're saying!"Used to make someone be quiet
shoo"Go away""Get out of here! Shoo!"Used to drive away animals or small children
tsk-tsktut-tut"Disappointing""Tsk-tsk, he is late for work again"disappointment, contempt (this is a clicking sound. Clip from Futurama)
uh-huuhuh, mhm"Yes""Do you think so too?" "Uh-hu"Agreement, acknowledgement (easily confused with uh-uh)
uh-ohoh-oh"Oh no!""Uh-oh, I think the bear is inside the house"Concerned for indications that something will happen
uh-uhunh-unh"No""Eat your spinach!" "Uh-uh!"Refusal, especially if your mouth is full or if you refuse to open it (easily confused with uhuh)
uhhuhm, err"Wait, I'm thinking""Seven times eight is... uhh... 56"Indicates a pause in, rather than the end of, a sentence
weewhee, weee"This is fun!""Weee! Faster!"Used by children when doing something fun, and often ironically by adults when something is fun but childish
whoa"Unbelievable!""Whoa, I just looked at it and it broke!"Confounded, surprised and amazed. In popular culture, marijuana smokers are often depicted with this exclamation (originally a sound used to make horses stop)
wow"Amazing!""Wow, that's incredible!"Impressed, astonished
yahooyippie"Let's celebrate!""Yippie! We won!"Generic exclaimation of joy
yay"Yes!""Yay! We won!"All-purpose cheer. Approval, congratulations and triumph
yeahyeeeeaah!"Yes!""Yeeeaah! Kick his butt!"Common slang for "yes", sometimes also used as an interjection.
yee-hawyeehaw"I'm excited!""Let's gather some cattle! Yee-haw!"Much like "yahoo", but almost always associated with cowboys.
yoo-hooyoohoo"Hey you!""Yoo-hoo, sugercup! Come give me a hug!"The often ironic/comical, seductive call of a woman to get someone's attention
yuh-uhyuh-hu, yuhuh"Yes, it is!"/"Did so!""I hit you!" "Nuh-uh!" "Yuh-uh!" "Nuh-uh!" ...Childish affirmation, often used to counter "nuh-uh!" (not to be confused with yoo-hoo).
yuckich, blech, bleh"Disgusting!""Yuck, I wouldn't want to touch that"Disgust, dislike
zingba-dum-tss, badum tish"Haha, well said!""You're so stupid, you'd trip over a wireless phone!" "Zing!"Used (often ironically) to punctuate a punchline or witty comeback. From the sound of a rimshot, played after punchlines in some comedy acts.


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