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发表于 2011-7-17 10:03:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
如果Google一下“website value”可以找到很多有用的信息。下面这个网站提供了估计自己网站价值的简易工具
如果你敲进roc51.com, 它给你沽出的价值是1元;如果你敲进51.ca, 它给你沽出的价值是316,050元.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-17 11:54:38 | 显示全部楼层

Follow these recommendations and your website will be a HIT!

•#1: More Traffic from other websites
More visitors means more income.
◦Get other websites to link to you
Effort: 1/5
Efficacity: 2/5
Cost: 1/5
Pros: Easy to do and cost nothing
Cons: Unless your product is really Really REALLY interesting, the return will be very low.
Tips: One thing you can do is to propose a banner or a text link that other webmasters can copy/paste on their website.

◦Ask other webmasters to link to you
Effort: 5/5
Efficacity: 1/5
Cost: 1/5
Pros: Easy to do and cost nothing
Cons: Takes a lot of time as you have to individually ask other webmasters to link to you. Even if they do, link pages are rarely accessed.
Tips: If you decide to try this, make sure you ask other webmasters with websites in the same area of interest. Propose them a link exchange.

◦Pay for Traffic like Adwords, Adbrite, etc
Effort: 1/5
Efficacity: 4/5
Cost: 5/5
Pros: Easy to do and you will get a lot of traffic
Cons: Expensive and it doesn't improve search engine ranking.
Tips: I had success with Adwords in the past. The return on Adbrite, Bidvertiser were less. I don't recommend Bidvertiser at all.

◦Pay for Direct Link Traffic
Effort: 2/5
Efficacity: 5/5
Cost: 4/5
Pros: Best traffic. Search engines will also increase your rank because other websites are linking to yours.
Cons: It requires some efforts in installing a link code or removing a link code.
Tips: I had success with Text Link Ads in the past. But just recently, I find this website gives me more return as the links are only from Home Pages.

•#2: More Traffic from search engines
This is the best kind of traffic you can have. Visitors finding you are looking for something that your website has.
◦Do it yourself: Improve your page for Search Engines
Effort: 4/5
Efficacity: 1/5
Cost: 1/5
Pros: Works relatively good.
Cons: Hard to do unless you understand how search engines work.
Tips: Even if you do a change, you won't see how it affect the search engine results right away. Your change could be good or bad, but it will take 1 month to see.

◦Free Tools: Improve your page for Search Engines
Effort: 3/5
Efficacity: 2/5
Cost: 1/5
Pros: Works relatively good.
Cons: Free tools does not provide any guaratee.
Tips: We recommend http://w3optimizer.com/ to check your page against that free tool.

◦Paid Service: Improve your page for Search Engines
Effort: 2/5
Efficacity: 3/5
Cost: 4/5
Pros: Your page will be optimize from search engines.
Cons: There are alot of bad services out these. You need to be careful.
Tips: We have tried a few ourself. One of our competitor also offer a SEO service. We had success with them is the past and they already know alot about your website.

◦Paid Service: Increase your Page Rank
Effort: 2/5
Efficacity: 5/5
Cost: 4/5
Pros: It's not hard to increase your Page Rank.
Cons: It's not free.
Tips: There are services out there that sells direct link to your website. If you buy a direct link from a website that has a higher page rank than yours, your PR will increase. Higher PR means that you will be listed higher on search engines. I had success with Text Link Ads in the past. But just recently, I find this website gives me more return as the links are only from Home Pages. There are others also.

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