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看看76岁高龄的Ron Paul的风采

发表于 2012-1-11 22:46:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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发表于 2012-1-12 18:46:03 | 显示全部楼层
RON PAUL是我最尊敬的美国政治家之一。他从不跟风转变立场。他的观点,除外交政策,我举双手双脚赞成。看来搂主也是个LIBERTARIAN。握手。


难得碰上关心米国政治的朋友,很开心啊。Ron除了是个libertarian, 还是个坚定的constitutionalist,这一点尤其难得。Ron从政以前是医生,口碑好得一塌糊涂。主要的弱点是没有管理的经验,加上年纪有点大,能居于Romn  详情 回复 发表于 2012-1-12 22:32
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-12 22:32:27 | 显示全部楼层
弄舟 发表于 2012-1-12 17:46
RON PAUL是我最尊敬的美国政治家之一。他从不跟风转变立场。他的观点,除外交政策,我举双手双脚赞成。看来 ...

难得碰上关心米国政治的朋友,很开心啊。Ron除了是个libertarian, 还是个坚定的constitutionalist,这一点尤其难得。Ron从政以前是医生,口碑好得一塌糊涂。主要的弱点是没有管理的经验,加上年纪有点大,能居于Romney之后排第二名已经非常难得了。小弟看这次GOP初选还是Romney的赢面大,虽说他的麻省政绩一般,但他的内外政策规划更加清晰,极受40岁以上年龄段的选民欢迎。他聪明就聪明在知道去笼络选民里最大的那一群人。
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发表于 2012-1-13 11:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
While I admire Ron Paul's courage to run for the President at such an old age. I do think his foreign policy and monetary policy are dangerous for America and the world.
He advocates significant withdrawl of US troops from overseas and close military bases there. Doing that will disturb the military balance of many areas in the world, from the Middle east to East asia to Europe. Feeling threatened by their enemies without the US help, countries from Japan, South Korea to Saudi and Germany will rush to build nuclear weapons and initiate arms races everywhere. A US withdrawl will certainly embolden China, Russia, Iran to further marginalize the western power,
and replace it with powers that favor those totalism regimes, and disregard basic human rights and democratic values. It will almost spell the end of US role as a superpower and reduce it to just like any other normal country. If the US give up it's responsiblities to protect most the world, other countries will no longer feel it necessary to give it many privileges the country enjoys now. The US dollar's status as the world reserve currency, the supply of cheaper goods and oil to the US market, the ability of the US government to raise more debts could all come to an end, which will bring economic disaster to not only the US but other nations from Canada to Europe.


Very insightful analysis and I agree with most of your comments. Ron is just too decent to be a politician.  详情 回复 发表于 2012-1-13 14:18
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-13 14:18:11 | 显示全部楼层
LetFreedomRing 发表于 2012-1-13 10:58
While I admire Ron Paul's courage to run for the President at such an old age. I do think his foreig ...

Very insightful analysis and I agree with most of your comments. Ron is just too decent to be  a politician.
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发表于 2012-1-13 22:24:30 | 显示全部楼层

LEBERTATIANS 都是CONSTITUTIONALISTS。宪法就是自由主义者写的,中心就是防止政府欺压个人,侵犯个人的自由和权利。

PAUL 的外交思想也不是一无是处。不能只顾主义,不顾能力。但完全缩回国内则是不可取的。他的货币政策我基本赞成,只是撤销央行一说还要斟酌。恢复黄金的货币作用恐怕行不通。但限制央行的权限则是完全有必要的。央行只能管通货膨胀,其他的一律不能管。像现在的这个央行行长那样海量印钱,美国经济非完蛋不可。好像他能一手解决美国的经济问题,简直成了GOD了。美国的问题就在于有太多PLAY GOD 的家伙。所以,不能让他们有机会。

ROMNEY 不如 PAUL 那样坚定,但当选总统的机会大于PAUL。这次把奥选下台太重要了,所以ROMNEY应该会赢得提名。他能在麻州这样的左派州当州长,做成这样也就不错了。最让我高兴的是paul在共和党内人气大升,这表明至少共和党开始向右转了。总有一天全美国都会向右转。
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