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发表于 2012-1-15 17:10:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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赵平波申请法庭令分配加国无忧资产,兄弟之争升级大中公益网096.ca 2012年01月12日 19:20  来源:大中报记者南茜(Nancy Jin)   [ 加大字体 | 缩小字体 ]
51.ca brothers tension escalates into court battle
It seems that an internal feud between two brothers, 49-year-old Pingbo Zhao and 43- year-old Pingyuan Zhao who are also co-owners of 51.ca has been escalating, as Pingbo applies for a court order to wind up or dispose of the company, or to sell his shares of assets and profits in the company to his brother, according to court documents obtained by Chinese News.

Pingyuan filed a Notice of Appearance indicating he intended to respond to the application. However, no responding document had been available in court file by press time.

In the application Pingbo filed to the Superior Court of Ontario in Nov. 2011, he claimed that his younger brother Pingyuan cancelled his signing authority in the company’s account, blocked his administrative access to the website, terminated his employment and refused to account for his share of profits and earnings in the company.

An affidavit filed with the application indicates that the two brothers launched 51.ca in Feb. 2002. In Mar. 2002, at the time a contract was signed between 51.ca and NewStarWeekly (New Star), New Star held 60% of shares, Pingbo 15% and Pingyuan 25%.

A few months after the contract was signed, Pingyuan went back to China following a dispute with New Star on his $1800 monthly salary. The contract was then discontinued and New Star shares were returned. Pingyuan insisted that the shares be returned to him and Pingbo was not “overly concerned” at the time.

Pingbo’s made all profits

According to the affidavit, Pingbo believed that all the profits the company earned between 2006 and 2010 were the results of his efforts alone, as Pingyuan spent half a year in China working on other projects and he was responsible for all daily operations.

After Pingyuan returned to China, Pingbo took over 51.ca’s operation and received 40% of advertising income by the end of 2002, when the site’s monthly advertising reached $500 per month.

When 9-year-old Cecilia was abducted from her home in 2003, Pingbo captured the opportunity created by this incident to increase the site’s traffic, according to the affidavit. He created a forum that allowed comments to be posted. He kept writing articles, provided instant updates on the site and worked from day to night. The site attracted significant traffic and the information contained on the site was used by many major newspapers, including the Toronto Star and Ming Pao.

In May 2004, PVB filed a $2 million claim against 51.ca and Pingbo successfully turned the lawsuit into a media event which attracted public attention. According to the affidavit, after being served with a statement of claim, he wrote an open letter to the global media. In the wake of his 5 articles and the open letter, 5000 people petitioned and PVB retracted the lawsuit.

加国无忧网站的点击率为此激增。至 2004年底,网站的广告月收入增至1万元,黄页月销售额达$4000元。2004年1月,兄弟俩达成口头协议,赵平波从广告销售总额中提取20%佣金,从黄页广告收入中提取60%佣金。
Again, 51.ca traffic dramatically increased and the monthly advertising income jumped to $10,000 by the end of 2004, with Yellow Pages monthly sales reaching $4000. And a Jan.2004 oral agreement between the brothers had Pingbo make 20% of general advertising and 60% of Yellow Pages sales.   

In mid-2005, Pingyuan agreed to reward Pingbo’s hard work by raising his sales commission from 20% of general advertising to 25%. However, in 2006, Pingbo’s commission dropped back to 20% due to new hires to the company, according to the affidavit.

Pingbo dissatisfied

In 2005, issues on the financial front started to create tensions between the brothers. According to the affidavit, Pingyuan turned down Pingbo’s request to pay for his wife’s work for 51.ca; Pingbo didn’t get to collect the rent of the office that was set up at his home; Pingyuan kept all Google advertising income to himself, despite an agreement requiring all advertising sales go through Pingbo.

Revenue went up so quickly for the company that by 2010, the monthly distributable income reached as high as $116,400. While the fund had been shared between Pingyuan and Pingbo based on a 2:3 ratio since 2006 -- an agreement reached after discussion with their father, a cash “buffer” ,equivalent to 1/6 of the company’s revenue that reached $641,000 in 2010 had been kept in the company’s account by Pingyuan, from which Pingbo did not get his share.

In Jan. 2009, Pingyuan created a new company “219” to replace 51.ca Inc., and both brothers were directors and signing officers for the bank account. Since then, most of the income from 51.ca, along with the cash buffer were transferred to the “219” account, according to the affidavit.

As conflicts were not adequately addressed, tension continued to escalate. In Aug. 2010 Pingyuan cancelled Pingbo’s signing authority for 51.ca and the “219” account.

In an Aug. 25, 2010 email attached in the document, Pingyuan notified his brother that he no longer had the authority to issue checks for the two companies under his name, stating that “no matter how our dispute will be resolved in future, it will end up with the same resolution, and it is just a matter of time.”

“I, again, advise you to consult a lawyer and make sure your plans are reasonable before taking any actions. Otherwise, you would suffer the regrettable consequences,” wrote Pingyuan in the email.

Tension soaring

赵平波的证词称,2010年8月,赵平波在一个中文网站发出公开信,公开了兄弟二人之间的内部矛盾。由于这封公开信,兄弟俩的矛盾进一步升级 。
In Aug. 2010, Pingbo wrote an open letter disclosing the internal conflict between the brothers and posted it on a Chinese website. The brothers’ tension has escalated further resulting from the letter, according to the affidavit.

Pingyuan terminated Pingbo’s service and blocked his access to 51.ca’s administrative account; An Oct. special meeting intended to assign Pingyuan sole signing authority for “219” and to elect Pingyuan as the sole director of the company; No “219” shares had been issued to Pingbo; Pingbo’ s over $200,000 business costs were not paid. Despite the objection of Pingbo as a shareholder, Pingyuan launched a newspaper using the company’s funds and resources, the affidavit claims.

“Paul (Pingyuan) unfairly excluded me from the affairs of that corporation… totally disregarding and prejudicing my interests, and unfairly took the company’s assets and used them for his own purposes,” claimed Pingbo in the affidavit.

A judge’s order in Dec. 2011 required that Pingyuan respond to the application by mid-January, 2012.

All allegations and claims above have not been proven in court.

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