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发表于 2011-8-12 00:54:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                                                          贺梅(Anna Mae                                                                         He,1999年1月28日),生于美国田纳西州,生父贺绍强来自中国湖南,生母罗秦来自中国重庆。贺梅生父母贺绍强和罗秦夫妇与杰瑞‧贝克和路易斯‧贝克夫妇(Jerry                                                                         and Louise                                                                         Baker)就贺梅的抚养权的争执及田纳西州法院的有关裁决引起了北美华人社会及主流媒体的关注和讨论。

                                                                          2008年8月,据WMCTV网站Brooke                                                                         Sanders的文章称,已经回到中国几个月的贺绍强,称回中国是一个错误。文章说,贺绍强希望孟菲斯有人能帮助他们。“与孩子们一起返回美国,对我而言,意味着一切。”



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-12 00:55:13 | 显示全部楼层
Anna Mae He is back in Memphis

  (MEMPHIS 7/01/2011) -- The young girl who moved to China with her biological parents after an international custody battle that ended in 2007, is back in Memphis.

  12-year-old Anna Mae He arrived at Memphis International Airport Friday. She was with her brother, Andy and her sister, Avita. Anna Mae's parents, Jack and Casey He, did not make the trip because they do not have passports.

  Jerry and Louise Baker, who raised Anna Mae until she was nearly nine-years-old, were allowed back beyond the security checkpoint to greet Anna Mae and her siblings as soon as they got off the plane.

  A number of other family members waited anxiously for the group to come to the main concourse.

  There were a few anxious moments until someone spotted Anna Mae.

  "There they are," shouted someone in the crowd.

  "It's just an answer to our prayers," Jerry Baker said. "There are no words to describe it."

  Louise Baker still had tears in her eyes. "I couldn't believe how grown she's gotten, how big," she said about Anna Mae. "It's wonderful seeing her. It's been almost four years. She looks great."

  For so many years, Anna Mae called the Baker kids her siblings. She shared a room with Aimee. The two were inseparable from the moment they spotted each other at the airport. They held hands as they rode down the escalator toward the baggage area to pick up luggage.

  "Aimee, What's it like to see Anna again?" We asked.

  "It was very happy for me," she said.

  We asked Anna Mae if she was happy to be in Memphis. She responded with a smile and a nod.

  The joyful emotions we saw at the airport Friday, are far different from the heartache the Bakers felt when they said goodbye to Anna in 2008. The Tennessee State Supreme Court ended years of courtroom battles in 2007, when it granted custody of Anna Mae to her biological parents, Jack and Casey He. The couple moved back to China with their three children.

  Those who loved Anna Mae in Memphis wondered if they'd ever see her again.

  "It's just been a struggle trying to work out where we could get them to come," Jerry said. "Louise and Casey worked as hard as they could to make this work."

  The once strained relationship between the Bakers and the Hes, who battled so bitterly in court, is now described as cordial. The families talk almost every week, and the Bakers say they accept the will of the court, meaning Anna Mae will return to China.

  The Bakers say Anna Mae, Andy and Avita are just here for the summer. Andy is expected to have surgery while he is in the United States.

  "Is there any hope that she (Anna Mae) would stay forever?" We asked.

  "Oh, no. her home is in China," Jerry responded. "We're just tickled to have her. If we could work this where they could come each summer. That would be great."

  The Bakers say they simply plan to have fun. Anna Mae has a lot of new people to meet. The Bakers have four new grandchildren.
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发表于 2011-8-12 08:48:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-12 12:07:30 | 显示全部楼层
孩子是上帝赐给做爸爸妈妈的产业. 要好好珍惜.
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