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凤姐成功留美 登上主流媒体 看美国网民怎么说(图)

发表于 2011-9-28 15:08:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
文章来源: NEW YORK POST 于 2011-09-27 16:25:17 - 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场!
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The most-hated woman in China is hiding out as a humble manicurist in Brooklyn.
While anonymous in New York, Feng Luoyu, 26, wouldn’t be able to walk down the street in her native country without people jeering.
Her offense: displaying unabashed ego by publicizing a list of extreme demands for a boyfriend.
“I was hated in China and don’t wanted to be hated by people here,” Feng told The Post in Chinese.
“America is still a place where anyone can succeed. I can open a small business, develop into a big business, take it public and then global.”
Feng’s strange journey to infamy -- she has 1.4 million followers on Weibo, China’s version of Twitter -- started in 2009, when she handed out fliers in Shanghai in a bid to meet Mr. Right.
“He must be a post-graduate of economics from Tsinghua or Beijing University, with a height of 5 feet 9 to 6 feet. He must have never been a father, and any ex-girlfriends must not have had abortions. He has to be a native of eastern coastal China. He should not be an employee of state companies, but it’s OK if he works for PetroChina, Sinopec or top banks,” she wrote.
Her demands touched a nerve in China, where men outnumber women and competition for wives is steep.
Feng started appearing on billboards and on a reality show with two actors posing as her boyfriends.
Still, the Chinese public would mock her inane statements, such as “Einstein is for sure not smarter than me. He invented light, right?”
She recalled that while walking down the streets in Shanghai, people would recognize her, shouting, “Feng Jie!” or “Big Sister Feng,” as she is known, and then, “300 years!” -- mocking her claim that in intelligence, “no one can compare to me in 300 years before and after.”
Now, she wants to meet a “real American” with an Ivy League degree.
“Men ask me out all the time. But none of them are suitable,” she boasted.


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