发表于 2012-1-13 11:58:00
While I admire Ron Paul's courage to run for the President at such an old age. I do think his foreign policy and monetary policy are dangerous for America and the world.
He advocates significant withdrawl of US troops from overseas and close military bases there. Doing that will disturb the military balance of many areas in the world, from the Middle east to East asia to Europe. Feeling threatened by their enemies without the US help, countries from Japan, South Korea to Saudi and Germany will rush to build nuclear weapons and initiate arms races everywhere. A US withdrawl will certainly embolden China, Russia, Iran to further marginalize the western power,
and replace it with powers that favor those totalism regimes, and disregard basic human rights and democratic values. It will almost spell the end of US role as a superpower and reduce it to just like any other normal country. If the US give up it's responsiblities to protect most the world, other countries will no longer feel it necessary to give it many privileges the country enjoys now. The US dollar's status as the world reserve currency, the supply of cheaper goods and oil to the US market, the ability of the US government to raise more debts could all come to an end, which will bring economic disaster to not only the US but other nations from Canada to Europe. |